RPM Release 25.0.20241021.159743 October 21, 2024 RPM Feature Enhancements: 106225: There is now a...
RPM Release Notes - Archives
October 11, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 104532: Added Life Cycle Cost functionality to Purchase Credit Memos, RPM Credit Memos and Unit Revaluation Journal/ Unit Journal.
- 104813: Added Service Tax Group Code to Invoicing tab of RPM unit card to be used for service documents.
- 106129: Added No. of Lines to Create Shipments screen to allow you to create more than one manual shipment line.
- 106148: When Service Contract Coverage is selected on a Work Order Line, the Service Contract Type field flows from the Service Contract to the Work Order.
- 106155: Integration event tag to OnBeforeCheckWithBaseLineEffectiveDate trigger in line change table.
- 106220: Receive “The Purchase Line does not exist” error when trying to post a receipt line that was related to a purchase order and that PO has been archived.
- 106183: Segment issue when Qty. to Invoice filled in on line.
RPM Release 25.0.20241001.156898
October 1, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 105087: Added User Setup option to allow each user to choose the default line type on a contract.
- 104730: Added event in RPM Line to override unit no. from being validated when there is only one unit in a subcategory.
- 104886: Allow undo transactions for future movement within the same contract line.
- 104918: Correct Segments when multiple shipment/receipt occurs.
- 104951: When using Copy Doc with or without Recalculate Lines, the “Base Line” Line Change will now get created.
- 104761: When using the Create Planned Maintenance from the Service Contract Coverage Lines, all work lines will get created.
- 104812: You will not receive an error when using Create Planned Maintenance Lines from Service Coverage Lines.
- 104762: When a Charge line is added to a PM Work Code work line, you can now select a charge Unit No so that it will carry over to work orders when they are created.
- 104763: When a work order is created and service contract coverage is selected, the Service Order Type/ Responsibility Center is not updated on the Work Order header.
RPM Release 24.5.20240918.155064
September 18, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 104890: Enable Application Insight for App.
- 104593: Service Contract Copy Document Function now copies the associated coverage lines.
- 104704: Added link to already created Inspection Sheets for a Unit from the Unit ribbon.
- 104832: Added Sort Order Line No. and Main Unit No. fields to Shipping/Receiving lines and changed the sort order on the Shipping/Receiving Lines page.
- 104484: Add events and protected VAR for Finalize functionality.
- 104709: Added Email notification on Rejection of approval request.
- 98158: You can now lookup an RPM Quote from an Opportunity.
- 104819: Work Orders with Kits are now completing after being fully shipped/ invoiced.
- 104849: When Grouping PMs onto one work order, the component lines for kits get created for all groups.
- 104987: Dimensions on Shipping/Receiving Line are now updating from RPM Line and following the Default Dimension Priority setup.
- 105103: Resolve code for Next Major version (BC25) compatibility.
RPM Release 24.4.20240905.152941
September 5, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 104968: Add Event to bypass RPM job ledger posting.
- 104865: Add Events to support line changes and unit journal posting.
- 104597: Edit in Excel from document lines now only exports lines for that document.
RPM Release 24.4.20240816.150179
August 16, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 98042: All RPM reports now have an option to show the No. field and Description.
- 89267: The Business Manager and Presidential role centers now include easy access to RPM documents.
- 97972: There is now an option to copy planned maintenance lines from one to one or more other units.
- 104746: When you change the quantity on an invoicing RPM line, you do not receive an error that line changes are required.
- 16137: When invoicing rental type lines, the system checks all dates within the billing period to be sure there are units shipped on all dates.
- 103140: The quoted price fields on an RPM document is now editable allowing you to change the quoted price.
- 104852: Line meter information will not change when simple changes are made to the lines such as changing start date. Line meter information will also not change if you change header information that forces the lines to be recreated and there is no pricing record that matches the new header information.
- 104851: When the Language Code is set to French (Canadian), you no longer receive an error when printing an RPM contract that has a Best Price billing code.
RPM Release 24.4.20240809.149104
August 9, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 104721: Add Events for integration to RPM.
- 104430: Batch Post RPM Document scheduling does not allow you to save the output as file. Output is saved to the Error Messages Register where you can review all errors that occurred at any previous batch run.
- 97911: When Service Contract Coverage exists for an RPM Unit, it does not show on the PM Schedule line in the flowfields.
RPM Release 24.3.20240730.147656
July 30, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 104531: Enhancement to Unit Costing functionality for GAAP compliance.
- 104541: Add Events to support post job ledger and bypass check.
- 93828: CRM Sales Cycle now recognizes RPM Quotes.
- 97386: You can no longer change information on a Billing Code once it is used on a document.
- 97998: Test report for standalone documents or work orders now asks for a Posting Date to display.
- 104561: Qty. on Hand in the factbox of a work order opens the item ledger entries when the Type is Item.
- 104589: Excessive recursion Error no longer occurs when you remove the Main Subcategory Line No.
- 104649: Unit movement by document report now shows a quantity when unit is shipped and not received.
- 104560: When you create a work order for a customer unit from the Unit card or planned maintenance, the customer ship-to code will now flow to the work order header.
RPM Release 24.3.20240709.144362
July 9, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 97815: Add Event to allow user to stop the popups that happen when you convert a quote to a contract or Work Quote to Work Order.
- 98204: Add FactBox to Work Orders to show Service Contract/ Warranty Coverage available for current line.
- 93842: The Qty. On PO field in the Unit FactBox now shows information based on the Subcat Acq lines so you can see the true quantity on purchase orders.
- 97366: A new Unit Movement by Document report is available from the Unit Registers and Post + Print is available from the Shipping/Receiving Journal.
- 103110: Subcategories and Units now have a Gen. Prod. Posting Group for purchases and a Tax Group Code for purchases.
- 98140: The new multiple responsibility center filter feature that was added now requires you to have a default Resp. Center when filters are present.
- 104485: You can now edit information on the Posted RPM Credit Memo using a separate page the same as on a Posted RPM Invoice.
- 98153: RPM Units by Customer report is now Excluding Received Units if selected.
- 93821: The “Remaining” fields on Unit Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries have now been renamed to “Entry Open” fields; for instance, the Remaining Amount is now Entry Open Amount. A new Document Remaining Amount field has also been added to show the total amount from the associated document for each entry.
- 103092: Having a customer blocked for Ship does not stop you from creating an RPM Quote.
RPM Service Pack 24.2.20240628.143125
June 28, 2024
- 104477: You are now able to select different types of users other than just Full User for RPM Licensed Users.
- 104468: Gen. Bus. Posting Group is not required unless you are setup as VAT In Use.
- 104393: Unit Service Lines inserted below other Unit Service lines do not attach to the previous Unit Service Line (the Main Subcategory Line No. is now zero).
- 103123: When related charges are inserted for a subcategory, the lines get set with a Main Subcategory Line No. If the main subcategory line is deleted, this field is now cleared out.
- 98120: Billing Codes should not allow One Time with a Billing Time of Rental.
- 104456: When using the expected cost feature, the dimensions are properly copied to the posted entries.
- 104400: When using the inventory increase feature, the dimensions are properly copied to the posted entries.
RPM Release 24.2.20240627.142638
June 27, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 103122: A new action called Create New RPM Document has been added to the Service Planning Worksheet and the PM Schedule Lines that allows you to create a Work Quote or Work Order and allows you to select a Responsibility Center and/or Location Code.
- 103143: The Shipping No. field has been added to the RPM document headers so you can clear the field if an unknown error occurs during posting.
- 103142: Swap Unit now updates the unit dimensions when creating the shipping/receiving line.
- 103139: All dimensions are now transferred properly from quote to contract/order and do not revalidate dimension priorities.
- 103121: Changing the Resp. Center on the header of a Work Order will not error if a kit exists in the lines.
RPM Release 24.2.20240611.140107
June 11, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 93819: Add option to keep unit status from changing through automation. New Boolean field on the RPM Unit Statuses page, “Do Not Overwrite”.
- 101571: Add fields to Create New RPM Documents.
- 97906: Add a setup for client to choose default purchase option – as inventory instead of asset.
- 97907: Create RPM Setup to allow default Expiration date on RPM Quote Documents.
- 101599: RPM Comment Line should include Print on Work Quote and Print on Work Order.
- 101600: RPM Contact should include Print on Work Quote and Print on Work Order.
- 90545: Planned Maintenance Schedule – Add field.
- 98176: Auto suggest Unit Components like Related Charges.
- 97950: Add fields to Sales Price List Page (New Sales Pricing feature).
- 90624: Add flag to Work Lines to choose to use Estimated values instead of Actual on Work Order billing.
- 97909: Add option to create PM Schedule from Service Contract Coverage lines.
- 97969: Comments from Service Contract should flow to associated work orders.
- 102736: Turn off licensing when system is doing an upgrade or install.
- 97910: Allow RPM charge distribution over multiple subcategory lines on a Purchase Order, just like designed for RPM Contracts.
- 97904: On sale of a piece of equipment that was purchased as Inventory (stock) rather than asset, make appropriate GL Entries to relieve inventory account.
- 97905: Add feature that will allow user to increase value of equipment via Work Order.
- 97948: Responsibility Center issue.
- 98103: Control does not move to next line after scanning the data on unit shipping receiving journal.
- 98164: Adding a Meter Reading from the Unit Card does not populate the document it is on for Serialized units.
- 97970: Need to be able to change expiration date on PM without existing schedule lines being created again.
- 101628: Quantity Tracked Shipment cannot be undone and Transfer Order cannot be posted when transactions with later date.
- 98203: Attachments not showing on Fact box pane on Service Quote or Service Contract even when it exists.
- 97958: RPM Daily Invoicing Report has incorrect Totals caption.
- 93557: Related to Header boolean in contacts section of RPM Header can be selected for multiple Bill-to contacts- we should only allow one to be checked.
- 101555: Record in G/L Entry already exists error.
- 97971: Service Contract Coverage No. of Uses counts Work Order lines as separate Uses. Should be Work Order Level count of uses only.
RPM Service Pack 24.0.20240516.136290
May 16, 2024
- 98160: Shipping/Receiving lines are not getting proper dimensions from associated line.
- 98161: Copy/Paste lines on documents does not copy Reference Fields.
- 98162: When changing Customer on header, lines do not get the new information.
- 98102: Partial Shipments do not work on Warehouse Shipments from a Work Orders.
- 98093: Standalone invoice – Change of customer in header does not update customer in lines.
- 74136: Copy Line Function on Contract does not Copy Reference data.
RPM Release 24.0.20240510.135207
May 10, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 98062: New events for invoicing/shipping tests in RPM.
- 98066: License updates for OnPrem clients.
- 97849: You can now filter on the Source Document No. field on the posted RPM document list views.
- 90769: Subcategory Substitutions are now available!
- 98127: Create Work Quote is now available next to the Create Work Order button on planned maintenance schedule lines and the Service Planning Worksheet.
- 97832: Location dimensions on shipping/receiving lines now follow the dimensions on the main line unless manually changed.
- 97892: The Customer Ship-to Code on the Unit Card now looks up correctly to a list of Global Addresses and Ship-to Addresses in a combined list.
- 97976: The Ship-to Code on RPM documents looks up correctly when the Get Ship-to From is set to Bill-to.
- 97993: Copy Document now has an option to set the Applies-to Information and will not copy Applies-to from similar documents like Invoice to Invoice.
- 97891: The Work Order No. remains on PM Schedule Lines when changing the Responsibility Center on the header of the Work Order.
- 97859: Segments now split correctly when using a Line Change with the Start New Period option.
- 90494: Segments now split correctly when a line change is introduced during the first segment of a document.
- 97966: The daily price calculation for Monthly Billing Codes is now based on the calendar month of each segment, not just 30 days. This will not apply to existing documents but only documents going forward.
- 93598: Attachments on Inspection Sheets now show correctly in the factbox.
- 98010: Warehouse Shipments will no longer affect Shipping/Receiving line quantities.
- 89191: The Partial Daily Price now gets set correctly when a segment has more than one invoice associated with it.
- 89191: Segments are now built off RPM Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries instead of posted documents.
- 97866: When Lifecycle Cost is set to Unit Price, posted entries will now properly use currency conversion.
- 97866: The Lifecycle Cost From field on RPM Setup has been moved to the General tab.
- 98123: When using Calc. Line Amount from Segments, invoicing and crediting will recalculate totals on a document.
RPM Service Pack 24.0.20240417.131328
April 17, 2024
- 97845: Main Subcategory Line number will be cleared if posting component line without its main line.
- 97484: During posting, dimensions do not get reevaluated; they get copied directly from the document.
- 97858: When printing, lines should group together if they are from the same source line no, have consecutive dates and use the same price.
- 97861: When doing a purchase of an item with a line set to drop ship or special order, only that line gets set as dropship/special order on the purchase document.
- 97812: Unit Shipping/Receiving Journal correctly looks up units based on Entry Type of Shipment or Receipt.
- 97850: You can no longer activate units into a Kit or Line Group.
- 97860: Correct “Ship-to Code cannot be found” by including global addresses in the check.
- 97374: You can no longer change the quantity on an RPM document if the line is set to Drop Ship and is connected to a purchase document. The Purchase Entry page also does not allow you to change the quantity when purchasing an item flagged as Drop Ship.
- 97881: You can now undo a transfer, activation or deactivation entry when the unit is not on a document.
RPM Release 24.0.20240408.129774
April 8, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 93545: Popup Comments have been added to Service Quote and Service Contract. Events added for Popup Comments as well.
- 92467: Add Events to control contact insertion on RPM Header.
- 93575: Rebranded RPM Logo.
- 90582: Added RPM_Header_Archive and RPM_Line_Archive APIs.
- 93563: Posting Preview is now available on RPM Standalone Documents.
- 24221: Unit Costing now shows in statistics.
- 90625: A new action has been added to Subcat. Specifications allowing you to copy specifications from one subcategory to many others.
- 97355: New Event OnBeforeCheckContractComplete added to CheckContractComplete of RPM-Post.
- 75416: Added ability to associate charge revenue to a specific Subcategory line. This associated revenue will appear in statistics of the main subcategory/unit.
- 90238: You can now purchase Charges and Quantity Tracked subcategories from RPM documents.
- 97357: A new feature was added that allows you to setup multiple responsibility centers per user. There is still one default responsibility center but now you can associate multiple responsibility centers for users in Sales, Purchases and RPM.
- 95545: Billing Codes now have a Default Utilization Setup for each rental period.
- 93543: Copy report changes for Tax Amount from RPM W1 to keep consistency.
- 93827: Quantity Pending should use Effective Date (Billing) instead of Actual Date (Movement) when determining shipping/receiving lines.
- 90433: Price now changes in segments for a future period while using Best Price Billing.
- 90756: Preview Post now shows Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries and Movement Ledger Entries. when applicable.
- 93522: Specifications 21 and higher now work correctly on a unit.
- 97258: Segment credits are calculated properly when the actual stop date is before the last billing date.
- 90701: Corrected caption for Swap Location Code in Cost/Rev. Ledger Entry.
- 93849: Unit Activation Journal Entry Type now functions correctly.
- 89086: Finalize Lines does now use the New Stop Date correctly even if the estimated stop date is an earlier date.
- 93846: Customer Ship-to Code on the RPM Unit table no longer errors when the Ship-to Code is a global address.
- 90684: Document Level Charge Unit Price is calculated correctly when set as a rental line.
- 93549: Use last meter reading as default on subcategory now functions correctly.
- 90775: Unit transfers cannot be posted with a date prior to last movement date.
- 90322: Unit Ship To Code field now clears on factbox after a unit is received off-rent.
- 93591: The error RPM Unit already exists and Specification No cannot be found have been corrected on Purchase Orders.
- 90657: Create Order/Add-to Doc now functions correctly when using the Purchase option from an invoiced RPM document.
- 93498: PM Work Lines now allow Kits and Line Groups and expand correctly on RPM documents.
- 93562: Posting Description field is now available on all RPM documents and functions correctly when posting documents.
RPM Release 23.5.20240311.124631
March 11, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 90237: When purchasing Resource lines from an RPM document, the Type comes over as Resource.
- 90642: RPM Documents now support Location Dimensions.
- 90602: The Unit Planned Maintenance page now includes a new Create New RPM Document action, allowing you to create one or more documents directly from the PM page.
- 92007: The Service Contract now has a FactBox to show the Work Orders using that contract.
- 92002: When choosing Service Contract Coverage on a Work Order, the Customer PO and Salesperson Code will now flow from the Service Contract to the Work Order header when turning on the setup.
- 92003: The Service Type Code now has a Default Bill-to Customer No. When choosing a Service Type Code for the header or creating a new document from Planned Maintenance with a Service Type Code with a Default Bill-to Customer No., the header will be updated to have the new Bill-to Customer No.
- 92460: Unit Service lines that are created from Planned Maintenance now get stamped with the PM Work Code.
- 43106: When selecting PM on an existing Unit Service line, the line will get a Work Comment, as if you created the Unit Service from a new Planned Maintenance document.
- 92006: Service Contract Type is now available on the Report Header/Footer.
- 90442: Filter changes have been made to the request page for the Suggest Accrued Revenue and Rental Accrued Revenue report to make it easier to filter for the documents you want.
- 5301: A new RPM Licensing Model has been added to RPM, which will not affect existing customers at this time.
- 92005: Service Contract Coverage now includes an indicator of the number of times the coverage line can be used.
- 3047: New function on Unit Card and List to create New RPM Documents.
- 24071: Service Contract Type now has a default Service Type Code.
- 90773: Update New Line Discount % for existing records in the Line Change table.
- 74304: The “Sales Header does not exist” error will no longer appear as RPM now accesses standard BC pricing using the new interface.
- 90309: Customer Templates now work correctly on all “Quote” type documents in RPM.
- 90320: Estimated Value ($) and Sales ($) now show when creating a “Quote” type document in RPM from an Opportunity.
- 92465: An obsolete function now calls the new function for a limited time to allow extensions to move their code.
- 90151: Credit entries when Type is G/L Account now calculate correctly.
- 90557: Auto Create Work Orders now works correctly from Receipts.
- 90299: Converting a Work Quote to a Work Order now correctly updates the RPM Dispatch Board.
- 90626: Trade-ins have been enhanced to work with existing units and are now assigned to a Default Internal Customer No. you specify when invoiced.
- 90554: RPM integrates with standard BC pricing with a separate enum, so standard sales document pricing will not get confused with RPM standard sales pricing.
- 90553: With the new integration of RPM with standard BC sales pricing, prices now work correctly for Items and Resources on RPM documents.
- 90245: Undo Receipt can no longer occur when a unit has been transferred after the receipt.
- 92004: Line Changes are now available on Service Contracts.
- 89202: Warehouse shipments will no longer post one line at a time from an RPM document.
- 92513: The main subcategory line no. is cleared when using a copy document, and the main line does not exist.
- 91785: With the integration of RPM Units on a standard Transfer Order, unit lines ignore Warehouse Shipment/Receipt Required.
- 92512: Purchase Order Subcat. Acquistion lines are no longer blanked out when you post only one line if multiple lines exist on PO.
- 90529: Qty. on Purchase Order from Subcategory list now shows correctly.
- 90302: Only the attachments from the current RPM document are shown when choosing to add a file from the Source Document in an email window.
RPM Release 23.2.2024214.120510
February 14, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 90212: Suite PO, which was originally a separate app, is now included in RPM.
- 90424: There is now an N/A Column on the Inspection Sheet.
- 86091: Added Posting Preview and Posting Description on RPM Contracts, Work Orders and Service Contracts.
- 68124: Allow setting up RPM Line Discounts without specifying Billing Code or Subcat/Unit.
- 89210: Milestone Billing is now available on Contracts.
- 90318: Added Edit in Excel to RPM Pages.
- 90480: Added Line Discount % to Line Changes.
- 66583: Allow nesting within Line Groups. Line Groups and Kits can now be part of another Line Group.
- 85410: RPM Unit Revaluation Journal and RPM Unit Cost/Rev. Journal are now available.
- 90632: Updated automated tests to be BC24 compatible.
- 90631: Updated Translations and French Captioning/Permissions.
- 90321: Calc Replacement Cost should only be for Items.
- 85611: Non-Inventory Items now post cost correctly to RPM Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries.
- 90213: Fixed asset acquisition posting no longer defaults to today, regardless of the posting date on PO.
- 89067: RPM Accruals no longer include Pre-Billings attached to other documents.
- 66640: You can no longer post a Shipment after the Activation date.
- 90328: Incorrect Segment information when Pre-Billing has more than one period has been corrected.
- 90271: Inspection Sheet lines now show the description properly from the Checklist item itself.
- 90224: When a new Subcategory is created, the Specifications are cleared to begin with until you enter specifications on the record itself.
- 90493: New RPM Document actions are now correct on the Customer Card.
- 90601: Prevent double entry on Unit purchases with multiple Depreciation Books
RPM Release 23.2.20240113.115341
January 15, 2024
- 90262: Document Layouts for RPM have been converted to RPM Document Layouts available on the Customer Card and now function correctly in RPM. RPM Document Layouts can also be set up by Responsibility Center the same as RPM Report Selections.
RPM Release 23.2.20240105.114111
January 5, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 78187: Create Work Order Function from RPM Unit: You can now create work orders from an RPM Unit without choosing a PM line.
- 78238: There is now the ability to save filtered views on the Contract Renewal Worksheet page.
- 90115: New events added.
- 78227: Add permissions to protected tables when using Change Global Dimensions.
- 76798: Added new field to show Last Meter Reading on RPM Unit List Page.
- 74175: Make Line Amount from RPM Line total from segments instead of from RPM Line values with a setup on RPM Setup.
- 86516: From an Opportunity, you can now create RPM Documents and look up RPM Documents using that opportunity.
- 78184: Contract Renewal Worksheet Modifications: additional filters and links for quote and contract creation.
- 78185: Service Contract Line: Add copy coverage from the line feature.
- 78183: Unit Planned Maintenance Schedule now shows PM Work Code, Responsibility Ctr, Service Contract Type, and Service Contract Billing Code on lines.
- 78201: There is now an option in RPM Setup to automatically run the Create Work Orders on Receipts function from a contract when a unit is received. The Planned Maintenance lines for units now have a Maintenance Upon Receipt field that tells the system which lines to use when the automatic function runs.
- 86098: Qty. Shipped not Invoiced and Qty. Shipped fields are available on the work order and RPM Lines pages.
- 18092: There is now a Replacement Cost field tracked on the Item Card and added as a pricing base to the Item Price table. A new Parts Inquiry page has been added to aid in finding item pricing.
- 75515: The Document Type and Document No. on the meter reading page now gets filled in when you enter a meter reading from a specific document. This means you can now enter the same meter reading from more than one document.
- 85395: When purchasing RPM subcategories on a PO where Fixed Assets are not created, have the option to create a G/L entry to an Inventory Account. The inventory account now exists on a subcategory record, and a new Post Inventory Entry can be found on the purchase order.
- 85402: Added Preferred Resource to Customer Card and flow the field to the Service Planning Worksheet header and lines.
- 78208: Add Document Status to the RPM Dispatch Board and the RPM Service Tech Board lines.
- 90196: A couple of changes needed to be made to make the app BC 24 compatible.
- 86461: Lifecycle Cost now posts values when using a G/L account from a General Journal.
- 89147: Exporting units to Excel in config pack when choosing dimensions as columns: Obsolete Fields Step 2.
- 89153: Personalizing RPM Unit List: Obsolete Fields Step 2.
- 74641: The problem of a blank Location Code when Location Code Mandatory is set has been corrected.
- 88615: Default dimension priorities now work for RPM documents.
- 88598: Post Thru Date now shows on the Document Test report for Service Contracts.
- 89116: Purchase Line now allows RPM Subcategory type to have a Depreciation Book Code.
- 89289: You can now use the Create Work Orders from Receipts function when the same unit is listed more than once on a document.
RPM Release 23.2.20231214.111339
December 14, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 86587: Event added to InsertHeader procedure of Requisition Worksheet.
- 88640: Option to use Best Price with Accrued Report. When you run the RPM Accrued Revenue report, you now have the option to have any partial periods for best price lines. Use the best price calculation to determine the amount for the partial period.
- 74569: Batch Post Error now handles Line Change Allocations error.
- 86050: Batch Post Error now handles the zero line error.
- 85506: Exclude from Printed Documents option on Specifications now works correctly on printed documents.
- 87078: RPM Unit field is now editable on Standalone Credit Memo page.
- 88640: When the RPM Accrued Revenue report finds lines that are not partial periods, the report does not use the Partial Daily Price to calculate the line; it uses the exact amount of the segment.
- 88647: Accrued Report does now finds any previous unbilled segments before the Cutoff date.
- 89027: Dimensions are now copied to the FA Journal Line when selling a Fixed Asset with an RPM Unit.
- 89039: Corrected Excessive Recursion error in Auto Dimensions when the dimension is a Global Dimension.
- 86082: Error exporting units to excel in config pack when choosing dimensions as columns: This is step 1 to solving this problem. The error is not resolved yet but it will be when we get to step 2 in the next release.
- 87010: Personalizing RPM Unit List causes page to crash: This is step 1 to solving this problem. The error is not resolved yet but it will be when we get to step 2 in the next release.
- 89057: Using Parentheses in the No. field of a Subcategory no longer gives an error in Specifications. A parenthesis is a reserved character for filtering in Business Central and should not be used in the No. Field but the error will no longer appear if you have them in the No. Field.
- 88563: Last Modified By field in Work Order list view no longer has a caption of Assigned User ID.
RPM Release 23.1.20231123.107773
November 23, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 85608: RPM Copy Doc Events added for RPM SureTax
RPM Release 23.1.20231119.107104
November 19, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 87001: Add Events for Auto Dimensions.
- 85499: Add feature to Purchase Orders that allows users to create RPM Units prior to receipt.
RPM Release 23.0.20231109.105882
November 9, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 85608: New events have been added to the auto-create units codeunit for Subcat. Acquisitions.
- 32725: Addition of RPM documents to standard Business Central Item Availability screens.
- 86389: Events added to RPM for our new connector app coming soon, RPM SureTax.
- 78194: Added New Subcategory option so the start date on new meter readings default to be the last meter reading.
- 18087: RPM Report Selection by Responsibility Center
When setting up report selections in RPM, you now have to option to have a different report specified for different Responsibility Centers. - 29971: The “28-Day Monthly Price” has been replaced by “Monthly Price” and the length of the monthly price can be set at the Billing Code level allowing you to have Daily/Weekly/Monthly pricing for any type of billing code, not just 28-Day!
- 78182: Customer Ship-To Code now shows on the RPM Unit Card and List for Customer Owned Units and this value will flow to the line Ship-to Code on documents.
- 68062: Trade In Enhancement for RPM Contracts
A new line type allows you to trade-in a unit on a contract. - 74598: Checklists / Inspection Sheets Improvements
- You can now create inspection sheets directly from an RPM Unit card or RPM Work Order and the inspection sheet will now be linked to the Work Order.
- The checklist description now allows 250 characters instead of the standard 100.
- You can now create inspection sheets from lines that have not failed if you choose to “Insert PM Work Lines”.
- Attachments are available on Inspection Sheets.
- 68159: Warranty/Service Contract Enhancements
- A dateformula field has been added to the Warranty table allowing you to specify a default length of a warranty.
- When adding a warranty to an RPM Unit, the end date will populate based on this new dateformula.
- You can now assign warranty codes to a Subcategory so these become default warranties for new units created under this subcategory.
- When creating a new RPM Unit, any warranty codes assigned to the subcategory will automatically be assigned to this new unit, the start date will be set to the workdate and the end date will populate based on the dateformula on the warranty card.
- When posting work against a service contract coverage, the coverage lines will calculate a Total Amount based on the posted amounts against the service contract.
- A new field has been added to the Service Contract Coverage called Maximum Amount. This sets a maximum coverage amount for a coverage line on a service contract. When you enter lines on a Work Order assigned to the service contract coverage, you will receive a notification if the work entered exceeds this maximum amount.
- A new field has been added to the Service Contract Coverage called Not To Exceed (NTE). This works in conjunction with the maximum amount. If the work being entered exceeds the maximum amount and the Not To Exceed is true, the system will automatically change the Line Amount on the line so the work order will not exceed the maximum amount on the work order.
- 54457: Damage Waiver Insurance/Tracking
A new option has been added to the Subcategory, Unit and RPM Line called “Document Level Charge”. By setting up a document level charge with a percentage and filters, you can have the system manually or automatically calculate the charge based on other lines on the same document. RPM Setup has a new option called “Auto Calc. Doc. Level Charges” which turns on the automatic option of this feature. These charges can also be calculated manually on the document itself using the action. These charges will always auto calculate when showing segments or posting the document. - 11006: Merge Unit Transfers with base Business Central
Yes, you can now use the standard Transfer Orders in Business Central to transfer Units as well as Items! This allows you to ship a transfer and receive a transfer separately leaving a unit in an “In-transit” state in-between transfers. - 76651: Added ability to schedule Shipping/Receiving Worksheet posting with report request page (like batch posting). There is a new option called Batch Post Ship./Rec. Lines which allows you to set filtering and post all shipping/receiving lines across all documents. This also allows you to schedule the batch posting through a job queue.
- 78181: Added Quote Expiration Date field to header of Printed Quote Reports – RPM Quotes, Work Quotes, Service Quotes.
- 85645: When acquiring a Fixed Asset through a journal, you no longer receive an error message that the Fixed Asset must be linked to an RPM Unit.
- 85678: Removed unnecessary event filtering on various lists: Customer, RPM Subcategory, Standard Text Codes, G/L Account, Item, Resource, Fixed Asset, Item Charge.
- 85514: If the Cost on an RPM Subcategory Purchase Order is in USD, the Unit Cost populated for the Cost and Revenue Ledger Entry and populated on the Unit Card needs to be in Local Currency.
- 54948: Possible to Ship/Receive without an Assigned Location (Even When Location Mandatory is Set). Posting a shipping/receiving line that does not have a location code assigned when Location Mandatory is true, you now receive the proper error.
- 86595: Unit No. on a line accepts any text, and doesn’t validate against the RPM Unit table. When entering a Unit No. on a document, the system validates this against the underlying RPM Unit table for the subcategory chosen. Trade-ins do still allow you to enter any text you want, as this controls the new Unit No. that is created for the trade-in.
RPM Release 23.0.20231003.100571
October 3, 2023
RPM Corrections:
- 85446: Component Lifecycle Cost has been added as a flow field on the RPM Unit table.
- 85453: Lifecycle Cost Entry Amount is now Unit Cost or Unit Price multiplied by Quantity.
- 85460: Deleting a Unit Component will now update Lifecycle Cost Entries correctly.
RPM Release 22.5.20230921.99339
September 21, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 1681: RPM has been integrated with the Requisition Worksheet! Now you can take into account demand for items from RPM documents such as a contract or work order.
- 66601: Added feature to create cost entry for purchasing RPM Units and to update Original/ Replacement Cost on RPM Unit Card.
- 66653: The Unit Costing % field that used to exist on RPM Setup is now available at the Subcategory level to allow for different percentages per subcategory.
- 13540: RPM Specifications used to be global, but now we have moved them to the Subcategory level! And that’s not all…we also allow 50 specifications per subcategory instead of 20 globally! Specifications are still set using the RPM Specifications table, and you can have as many as you want. Then you go to each Subcategory and set up which specifications you want to use just for that Subcategory and its Units. Even though the main Specification name is set up in RPM Specifications, you can have whatever values you want for those specifications at the Subcategory level!
- 68055: When using the Purchase function from an RPM Contract or Work Order and you select a Subcategory, it creates an RPM Subcategory line on the Purchase document instead of a G/L Account.
- 10383: Unit Serial Nos in RPM now allow 50 characters like base BC.
- 66478: A new RPM Unit FactBox for Documents has been added to the Unit Card and Unit List.
- 64006: Lifecycle Costing has been added to RPM! Now you can determine which costs you want to associate with a unit and its components to get a sum of the costs for the unit and its components.
- 3340: SWAP feature added. This is a feature that has had multiple requests. When you create a manual receipt or shipment, you now have the option to specify a Swap Unit No. and a Swap Location Code along with a new Swap Reason Code and Swap Reason Text. When you hit OK, two shipping/receiving lines are created for you so the Effective Dates automatically line up to allow the swap to be invoiced, and no line changes are created, making billing seamless.
- 25445: Integrate Drop Ship and Special Order to RPM Documents. This is another long-awaited integration, and it is here! You can now set Drop Shipment and Special Order lines for Items on your RPM Contract or Work Order and either use the Requisition Worksheet to create a Purchase Order, create a new Purchase Order and pull the lines into the Purchase Order, or enhance our Purchase functionality from an RPM Contract or Work Order to allow you to use the Purchase functionality that will create the Purchase Order and automatically set it up for a Drop Shipment or Special Order!
RPM Corrections:
- 78251: Sell-to Ins. Cert. On File on RPM Header will now show Yes when a customer has an attachment. Due to changes in Business Central, you may have to remove your attachment from the Customer and reattach it for it to show correctly.
- 78174: Entering RPM Subcategory on a PO line will now transfer all dimensions to the PO Line.
- 55024: When printing specifications on documents, you now have the option to print Subcategory specifications, Unit specifications, or both.
- 74327: When using a blocked customer on an RPM document, the logic works the same as it does in base Business Central sales documents.
RPM Release 22.3.20230804.93541 W1 Version
August 4, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 75401: Merged object numbers to be in sync between RPM and RPM W1.
- 75307: Made ValidateShortcutDimCode on RPM Header a global procedure.
- 75503: Comment Line Type is now Enum.
- 75192: New Events for Unit Journal Line Post.
RPM Corrections:
- 66708: Unit Shipping/Receiving journal bug: Will no longer receive an error when trying to receive more than one line.
- 66592: RPM Header footer bug: Changing Rental Type on a contract will no longer cause the header/footer to disappear.
- 64935: Archived Work Orders no longer show in PM Screen: When archiving a work order, it no longer gets cleared from planned maintenance.
- 74278: Component Type does not default from Unit and can’t be changed on a line: The Component Type is now available on the RPM Unit screen and will now default properly to a line.
RPM Release 22.3.20230804.93541
August 4, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 75307: Made ValidateShortcutDimCode on RPM Header a global procedure.
- 75503: Comment Line Type is now Enum.
- 75192: New Events for Unit Journal Line Post.
RPM Corrections:
- 66708: Unit Shipping/Receiving journal bug: Will no longer receive an error when trying to receive more than one line.
- 66592: RPM Header footer bug: Changing Rental Type on a contract will no longer cause the header/footer to disappear.
- 64935: Archived Work Orders no longer show in PM Screen: When archiving a work order, it no longer gets cleared from planned maintenance.
- 74278: Component Type does not default from Unit and can’t be changed on a line: The Component Type is now available on the RPM Unit screen and will now default properly to a line.
RPM Release 22.3.20230714.90704
July 13, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 66492: Make the Warranty Code field on RPM Unit Warranty (37042370) a lookup: No longer required to enter a unique code when adding a warranty to an RPM Unit. Added the ability to configure and select standard warranties.
- 74341: Allow sorting of Specifications based on their type: Instead of Specifications always sorting by “text,” they can now be sorted correctly by Date, Integer, etc.
- 74200: Update Capitalization to split by Component Type: Capitalization can split lines by Item, Resource, and now Other (Parts) and Other (Labor).
- 64140: Approval Workflows in RPM documents: Added Workflow Templates.
- 54462: Checklists / Inspection Sheets: Added built-in Checklists and Inspection sheets.
- 74371: New Permissions File
RPM Corrections:
- 55484: Create fixed asset function from Unit does not copy over description.
- 68143: Ship-to-address information is not overwritten when changing sell-to customer.
- 19923: FA Posting Group on Create Fixed Asset from Unit should be 20 characters.
- 68233: Warehouse Shipment required bug on Items of type=service.
- 74168: Line Meters should only update in certain situations: Line meters will only change if the shipping/receiving line changes, the unit changes, and the billing code changes.
RPM Release 22.2.20230621.87647
June 21, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 64297: New event to override Sort Order Line No.: A new event was added to the RPM Line table to override the Sort Order Line No.
- 63752: Include By Default on Related Charges: All related charges on Subcategories will have a new field called Include By Default which allows you to designate certain charges to come in by default and then others can be selected when adding the subcategory to a document itself.
- 52936: Unit Sales Report: The old Rental Unit Sales report has been brought forth to the latest version of RPM!
- 66485: Allow setup of PM Work Codes without requiring selection of a Service Code: PM Work Codes no longer require a Default Service Code allowing you to add a PM Work Code and then pick the Service Code on the Planned Maintenance screen.
- 66499: Add Responsibility Center field to Service Planning Worksheet: Added the Responsibility Center field to the header and lines of the Service Planning worksheet.
- 55650: A new RPM Service Tech Board is available to work in conjunction with the RPM Dispatch Board. When you allocate resources to lines in the RPM Dispatch Board, service techs can use the RPM Service Tech board to filter on themselves to see lines that they need to work on.
RPM Corrections:
- 63022: Printed Reference Fields on RPM Line: When adding a printed reference field on the lines, the same header reference field is no longer overwritten.
- 65240: Make RPM Document Lines searchable: RPM Document Lines is now available through the search, not just on the Role Center.
- 68113: Comments repeating on Delivery Ticket: Comments will no longer be repeated on every line of the Delivery Ticket.
- 65247: Work order description is printed on invoices: If you chose to show the Work Order Description on RPM documents, that field now correctly flows to posted document.
- 62961: Posting Issue when shipping Line Groups: You no longer receive a quantity error when attempting to post a document that includes a Line Group.
- 68092: Default Duration, Default Cycle Initial Term and Default Cycle Initial Term Day fields on a Billing Code are only available when Billing Type is Rental.
- 68188: Adobe E-Sign now uses the correct access point.
- 55650: The Dispatch Board had several updates:
- Service date is now available above the entries and filters to any entries that include that date. When opening the Allocations screen, the Service Date matches this service date.
- The “Not Yet Dispatched” filter has been replaced by two new filters: Not Yet Allocated and Not Yet Routed.
- When allocating resources, the Service date is now available above the entries and shows all allocations for that date.
- 55645: The Service Planning Worksheet now updates correctly when Warranty or Service Contract Coverage is updated in the system.
RPM Release 22.1.20230602.85406
June 2, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 18072: RPM now supports Customer Document Layouts!
- 25634: Negative meters have been added. You can now specify a meter as a negative meter where the readings will go down instead of up, such as tire tread. As well you can now sort your meters in the order you would like.
- 63873: Enhancements have been made to RPM to accommodate Business Central 22.
- 54454: Additional RPM documents are now available to use with Adobe e-Sign.
- 54455: RPM now supports the modern pricing experience! This feature can now be turned on in your Business Central environment.
- 55615: The Contract Renewal Worksheet can now be used for Contracts as well as Service Contracts.
- 55655: Service Contracts can now use a separate Gen. Prod. Posting Group than the normal rental posting group. This is now available on the Category, Subcategory, and Unit Cards.
RPM Corrections:
- 55751: The Line Type field now shows correctly on the Accrued and Deferred Revenue reports.
- 55632: When selling a fixed asset with its related unit, the unit no. gets stamped on the movement ledger entries for the fixed asset.
- 58201: You can now filter and sort the RPM Document list views by the Next Shipment, Next Invoice, and Next Receipt Dates.
- 55638: When undoing a shipment for a fixed asset shipped with its related unit, the related shipment entry also is undone.
- 55087: When adding an RPM Subcategory to a purchase line, the factbox now allows you to navigate to the subcategory card. As well, if you add a Unit No. to the purchase line, the factbox will show an additional option to get to the unit card.
- 55625: The deactivation/activation of a unit when changing the subcategory now works correctly.
- 55807: When using the New Document options from a Customer Card with a Certificate of Insurance attached to start a new RPM Document, the Sell-to Ins. Certificate now shows Yes.
- 3236: When the Sell-to Ins. Certificate shows Yes on the header of an RPM Document, you can now select that link to open the certificate of insurance.
- 62968: Check Cust. Credit Limit warning in RPM does not give an error when using the French Canadian language.
- 65340: When posting unit costing when item lines exist on the document, you will no longer receive an error stating that “The G/L Entry already exists.”
- 66565: When using a customer that has a certificate of insurance on a document, the Sell-to Certificate of Insurance now shows Yes and allows you to navigate to the document.
- 67038: Using a fixed asset on an RPM document no longer requires the FA Posting Group to have a Bal. Account No. when the document is not a credit.
RPM Release 1.21.20230215.71379
February 15, 2023
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 52973: A new field was added to the header of RPM documents called “Default Start Date to Work Date.” This field takes effect when a document is in the Active status (has started shipping) and will set the Start Date on any new lines added to the document to the Work Date instead of using the Start Date on the header.
- 46509: Planned maintenance for units now includes new events for integration as well as a new option on the Unit card called “Auto Suggest PM Work Lines” that allows you to control if planned maintenance work lines should default to the document when this unit is added to a Work Order.
- 54435: A new option has been added to the Auto Dimension feature of RPM to “Disable” certain auto dimensions if needed.
- 46583: New events have been added to the Purchasing process from an RPM document.
- 47120: A new option is available on the Unit card called “Sell Related Asset with Unit.” With this option ticked, a Sale of this serialized Unit will also do a disposal of the related Fixed Asset.
- 41689: When using the Unit No. field on a purchase document, the dimensions from the Unit will now default to the purchase line.
- 18075: A new Dispatch Board is available! This dispatch board allows you to allocate resources to different shipments, receipts as well as unit service lines from a work order.
- 1682: Along with the new Dispatch Board, skill matching is now available when allocating resources. Two new Boolean fields show if a resource is fully matched or partially matched with the skills for the Resource.
- 5281: Adobe e-Sign integration is now available on RPM documents. You can now sign RPM documents using Adobe e-Sign, but the already integrated signing through base RPM is still available as well.
- 11007: A new option is available on the Unit card called “Sell with Related Fixed Asset.” This is similar to 47120 above, but this allows you to sell a Fixed Asset on an RPM Document (instead of the unit), and the related unit will be sold with the Fixed Asset.
- 36475: Service Contracts are now available in RPM! You can now set up your service contracts with customers and charge with our state-of-the-art billing engine in RPM. When setting up service contracts, you can set up the type of coverage that is available, and this information will be used when you do planned maintenance on the units specified.
- 36519: The rules regarding the changing of a subcategory on a unit have been opened up to make it much easier as an automated process and are available for units that are no longer on rent. The process now deactivates and reactivates the unit with the new Subcategory information just by changing the subcategory no. on the unit itself!
- 36500: The former “Planned Maintenance Worksheet” is now known as the “Service Maintenance Worksheet”. This worksheet now has filters available in the header and can now handle maintenance due to planned maintenance and service contracts.
- 36506: A new Contract Renewal Worksheet is available. This worksheet allows you to track the status of the renewal of a contract while adding comments related to the renewal.
- 36481: Along with Service Contracts, Unit Warranties are also available! This function allows you to track warranty information for each unit with dates and the types of coverage that are available. When work is invoiced to a customer, the coverage is taken into account, and the remainder of the work can be charged to the vendor that handles that warranty.
RPM Corrections:
- 52967: Copy Document will now suggest shipping lines when not using Recalculate lines.
- 54506: Shipping/receiving now checks G/L dimension restrictions to prevent invoicing errors that may result in a zero-amount invoice.
- 52961: When dimensions are set on a purchase line due to a change to the Unit No., no unit dimensions will remain if the new unit does not have dimensions that were available on the old unit.
- 51553: When filtering the Unit List by the Status Code, all status codes are now available to choose from.
- 41139: Posting a receipt with an effective date after the Actual Stop Date does not cause the system to create another receipt.
- 54326: A Unit Service line will filter the Unit List by the customer on the header.
- 18095: RPM Projected Revenue report uses the Select Thru Date to determine how far to calculate projected revenue.
RPM Release 1.21.20221203.63945
December 3, 2022
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 41256: The old Copy Line button has now been replaced with Copy Lines and Paste Lines buttons. This functionality now allows you to select multiple lines, choose the Copy Lines button, select a line where you want the new lines to be inserted and click the Paste Lines button. This allows the line to be copied and pasted and also updates all fields in the background correctly!
- 41267: You can now sort information in the lines section of documents! The Type field now has a new look and feel that now mimics the Type field on the Sales & Receivables side.
- 41287: The No. field on the lines has been updated to search not only the No. field in the related table but also the description.
- 41302: The highly awaited “Default Sorting on Document Lists” is here! RPM Setup now contains switches that allow you to default the sorting for different document lists in RPM!
- 41652: Crediting a qty. tracked unit in the past is now allowed and checks availability.
- 43057: Permissions in RPM are now using objects instead of XML to avoid future errors.
- 8807: The unit list and card now show the Shipped Document No. and Shipped Customer Name. This works for serialized units and shows the current/last document this unit was shipped on.
- 36490: New options have been added to the Quote and Work Quote called Wins and Losses. A new flag is available to tell if the quote was won or lost and allows you to choose a reason code.
- 36496: An new Ship-to Code has been added to the line section of documents. Although the “default” ship-to is on the header, you now have the ability to set a different ship-to per line. This new information is available to show on printed/emailed documents.
- 36518: A new option has been added to the Customer to change the Ship-to on all lines for the Customer.
RPM Corrections:
- 31186: The Credit flag on the Header Factbox now displays the correct value based on the segments.
- 43005: The Pre-Billing action button in the lines section now shows all options available for a Contract.
- 43014: When finalizing a line after more than one segment has been invoiced now suggests credits for all segments after the finalize date.
- 43096: An “RPM Header does not exist” error has been corrected when using Warehousing.
- 43090: The Partial Daily Price on a line now updates correctly when you change the Billing Code.
- 45453: Reserving a unit again changes the status on a Unit.
- 45483: There were several places where Planned Maintenance was abbreviated to P.M. This caused issues when attempting to search for these objects because of the “periods.” These have all been recaptioned to PM instead.
RPM Release 1.20.20220923.57413
September 23, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
Feature Enhancements:
- 13792: You can now place serialized items on a corrective pre-billing instead of having to cancel an entire invoice.
- 31065: When using copy document, you now have an option to copy header comments and/or copy line comments.
- 31300: When using copy document, you now have an option to copy the source document information.
- 24066: You can now add a logo onto a Responsibility Center and have that show on a printed document the same as the address!
- 31180: Quantity Moved and Quantity Received are now available fields to show on the Finalize screen.
- 18091: Warehouse integration for Items has been added to RPM! You can now use Warehouse Picks and Warehouse Shipments on RPM Contracts and RPM Work Orders.
- 24265: You now have the ability to purchase a Subcategory on a Purchase Line that will auto generate Units and gives you the option to create a related Fixed Asset for each unit and gives you the option to auto-acquire the Fixed Asset!
- 36416: G/L Accounts can now have pop-up comments like other RPM line types.
- 36450: Changes were made to Item References in RPM to accommodate next major Business Central release.
- 36542: Additional changes made to accommodate the new RPM W1 version coming soon!
- 38502: Fixed Asset fields that are missing from the lines section of standard Purchase Quote and Purchase Order have now been added as part of RPM.
- 36514: New fields have been added to the RPM header section of documents: Rental Type has been added to RPM Contracts and Service Contract Type has been added to RPM Work Orders.
- 36514: RPM Header/Footer data can now be setup by Responsibility Center, the new Rental Type and/or the new Service Contract Type and not just at the company level!
- 31146: All reference fields are calculated on all printed documents.
- 31174: You will no longer receive a “Table IDs do not match” error when opening movement ledger entries from the shipping/receiving screen.
- 31186: The Credit flag on the Next Dates Factbox has been overhauled to work correctly.
- 31192: Credit or Add-on Only line change option now works correctly.
- 31294: Standalone Invoice and Credit Memo now work similar to other documents.
- 31245: When changing fields on a pre-billing or standalone credit memo line, the Credit flag will retain its value.
- 8128: The ribbon on a standalone invoice and credit memo have been rearranged and cleaned up.
- 31275: Missing billing fields have been added to the header of a standalone invoice and credit memo.
- 13792: Posted Invoice and posted credit memo tracking specifications are properly removed to avoid the error “The tracking specification already exists”.
- 32794: Serial Nos. for Items are now properly shown on a posted invoice without duplicating to the next line.
- 38490: Unit reservations now work correctly when related to any RPM line. This allows for multiple unit reservations for the same serialized RPM line that has a quantity greater than one. Reservations are no longer orphaned.
RPM Release 1.19.20220607.48665
June 7, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
Feature Enhancements:
- 30229: Many fields added to pages as requested by clients. Unit serial nos and status is available on subpages of RPM documents and posted documents have more information available.
- 30038: When copy doc is used and auto dimensions are set to create document dimensions, auto dimensions are now created for the newly copied document.
- 15651: Problems with running Test Report with Date field on request page has been resolved.
- 30209: Line Discount of 100% where Non-Chargeable is not ticked now works correctly on segments.
- 30215: Sale lines will not show Next Billing Date after they have been invoiced.
- 30235: Milestone billing will produce error if posting setup is missing.
- 30229: Using a future date in Batch Post RPM Documents now works correctly.
RPM HotFix 1.19.20220504.46100
May 4, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
Feature Enhancements:
- 25630: Changes to Gen. Posting Setup to accommodate RPM W1 upcoming release.
- 28963: Zero price Line Changes now work correctly.
- 29936: Attachments are working again after changes made in Business Central.
- 15666: Attachments with RPM Trx checked now flow from Unit to Work Order.
RPM Release 1.19.20220407.44253
April 7, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
Feature Enhancements:
- 25777: Modify base RPM coding to comply with Business Central obsolete functions.
- 25630: RPM will soon be releasing its RPM W1 version. Certain coding changes needed to be made to be ready for this momentous event!
- 24064: Added item Reference and removed Cross Reference.
- 8382: Issues in Subcategory statistics has been corrected: Service Revenue now shows the correct value, Service Cost now shows from all units and Depreciation Expense is summing from all units.
- 26630: RPM Daily Invoicing report now copies filter from cost/rev. ledger entries to dataitems in report.
- 24064: Added missing fields to RPM Unit P.M. Codes.
RPM Release 1.18.20220216.41186
February 16, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
The February update for RPM continues its strive to excellence opening up many more possibilities for future integrations with 3rd party software. Although the writeup looks small, the events for integration were plenty!
Feature Enhancements:
- 18081: Added several new events to handle tax integrations with our RPM documents. Events also added to statistics screens to handle tax integrations.
- 25336: Undoing a shipment of an Item now correctly updates the Bin quantity.
- 8375: Logo selection changed for use with multi language.
RPM Release 1.18.20220118.39141
January 18, 2022
Rental Process Management (RPM):
This January release is a smaller release after our November release that improves functionality in the system.
Feature Enhancements:
- 22273: When meter sale lines are created and an overusage unit price is not found, standard pricing will happen when the resource is added to the line.
- 21591: All RPM Documents were updated to allow multi language capability without error.
- 20929: Error checking has been updated to catch receipt effective dates before the actual stop date on the line.
- 22273: The select thru date is calculated in a different way to greatly optimize the screen performance.
- 22445: Item Tracking lines can now be credited from a posted invoice correctly.
- 24208: A change in logic in BC 19.2 forced a change to the way units are updated from a subcategory. You will no longer receive an error when attempting to add a subcategory to a unit card.
RPM Release 1.18.20211105.35801
November 5, 2021
Rental Process Management (RPM):
This release encompasses many different changes since our May release. This release works on Business Central 18.3 and above due to changes in the architecture. We continue to improve the product with some incredible features and keep up with any corrections that are needed along the way.
Feature Enhancements:
- 15782: Access the Unit Movement Ledger Entries and Unit Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries from the Item Card/List, Fixed Asset Card/List and Resource Card/List.
- 16278: A Requested Delivery Date is now available on the RPM Work Order.
- 11001: Popup comments are now available in RPM! Individual comment lines from a Customer, Subcategories, Units, Items, Fixed Assets and Resources can be set to “pop up” when added to a document. You have control over which documents the comment lines will show.
- 19736: Reservations and report selections now conform to the new feature set in Business Central 19.
- 18086: On RPM Setup, the “Archive Quotes and Contracts” has been recaptioned to “Archive RPM Documents”. This was renamed because it also works on Work Quotes and Work Orders. The functionality remains the same.
- 19805: The trial notification when installing RPM now includes a “Don’t show this again” option.
- 11009: RPM now supports multiple meters! This has been a long-awaited feature requested by many clients. The single fields available on the Subcategory and Unit have now been replaced by a “Meter Setup” table where you can define as many meters as you want, and each meter has its own option for a sale resource no. and its own required field.
- 19138: API pages have been added for RPM Header, RPM Line, RPM Unit, RPM Unit Mvmt. Ledger Entry and RPM Unit C/R Ledger Entry.
- 16229: Show the Customer No. by default on the Unit Card and add a field for Customer Name.
- 15914: When receiving units, the “When Received Status” from RPM Setup is correctly used on the unit.
- 16377: Rollup options on report was corrected after implementation of Milestone Billing.
- 18012: Cancelling a posted invoice with item tracking lines has been corrected.
- 18691: The Sell-to Customer Name and Bill-to Customer Name now updates correctly on Movement Ledger Entries and Cost/Rev. Ledger Entries.
- 17948: You can no longer undo a unit transfer if entries have been posted after the transfer.
- 13537: The select related charges window will open when you enter a unit on a line without a subcategory.
- 19860: RPM fields can now be shown on purchase documents.
- 15956: Additional error check added to assure fields on the shipment lines match the fields on the document line when invoicing.
- 19877: Document lines should now complete correctly, and the Next Billing Date should be set correctly.
- 19183: The Blocked field logic for customers has been correctly added to the RPM documents.
- 11009: Receipt meter information now appears correctly on RPM Unit Meters.
RPM Release 1.17.20210320.26680
March 20, 2021
Rental Process Management (RPM):
This March release includes several new features that should put spring in your steps!
Feature Enhancements:
- 13629: Based on customer feedback and internal review, fields on RPM documents are now spelled out instead of using shortened versions. For example, on the general tab of a work order, the field Code has now been recaptioned to Ship-to Code, so the field is more easily recognizable.
- 13645: Although the Bill-to Name allows a lookup to the customer list, the Bill-to Customer No. has also been added to RPM documents.
- 13651: We are very excited to bring back the Ship-to Contact No. to RPM documents to allow integration with Relationship Management.
- 13654: The Ship-to Contact No. is now available on Global Addresses.
- 13703: Based on customer feedback and internal review, the Bill-to option on RPM documents has been removed. This means you can now change the Bill-to customer on any RPM document without having to change the Bill-to option field from Default Customer to Another Customer.
- 13754: Job No. and Job Task No. have been added to the RPM Header. These will be used in a future release to default to the lines when a document is associated with a Job.
- 13852: A new feature was added to RPM Setup that allows you to post or suggest lines without showing the segments. This feature allows you to open the posting screen without calculating the segments. There is still an option on the posting screen to allow you to show the segments.
- 13853: Filling in the new Job No. on the header of a document will also add dimensions from the job.
- 13859: When you click on the Next Invoice Date in the FactBox on an RPM document, the posting options screen now appears with the select thru date set to the next invoice date.
- 13857: You are now allowed to delete system-generated shipping/receiving lines.
- 13856: There is now a Card button instead of a Subcategory Card button to allow opening whatever Type is on the shipping/receiving line.
- 5277: We are very excited to introduce a new RPM Service Board! This new feature allows routing of shipments and receipts. This will be expanded in the future to include other types of service.
- 5277: The shipping/receiving worksheet now includes filtering at the top of the screen including the new route no.
- 13863: The daily utilization on a document now allows faster entry of the status code by just clicking a checkmark.
- 15033: You can now expand or collapse a kit, line group or unit service line on a document.
- 13611: A new pricing system was added to accommodate Equipment Labor Pricing. The feature currently works on Kits and calculates estimated labor hours and price based on a pricing matrix. Please contact us for further information.
- 12375: During batch post of pre-billings, documents that produced errors were incorrectly deleted.
- 12375: During batch post of pre-billings, the dates from the pre-billing header should be used for posting.
- 13603: When documents are moved to the archives, the message had incorrect grammar.
- 13613: When a billing code has a default initial term defined, the total on the first segment was still for an entire period instead of a partial period.
- 13628: RPM Header and RPM Line were incorrectly captioned as Rental Header and Rental Line.
- 13636: Bill-to Code was missing from the Work Order page.
- 8500: The customer e-mail will now populate when sending RPM documents through e-mail.
- 13705: When deleting a document that has a posted no. filled in, you are still allowed to remove the document if the posted document already exists.
- 13648: When combining documents to a pre-billing, documents will be segregated if there is a difference in Gen. Bus. Posting Group, Tax Liable or Tax Area Code.
- 15008: Entering a second unit service line on a document will set the sort order line no. correctly so lines will resort correctly.
- 15035: Cancelling of posted invoices will not error when a special line (kit, line group, or unit service) does not include a Gen. Prod. Posting Group.
- 15046: When renaming a Tax Area, the system was incorrectly changing every RPM document to have that same tax area.
- 10602: Posting shipments and receipts from the shipping/receiving worksheet has now been corrected.
- 15591: Item Tracking will always return after an RPM document has been passed in to avoid the “Table not supported” error.
- 15036: When cancelling a document that includes a line from a one-time document such as a pre-billing, you will no longer receive an error that the line does not exist.
- 15620: The camera logic has been reworked in the subcategory and unit picture FactBoxes.
RPM Release 1.17.20210101.23563
January 1, 2021
Rental Process Management (RPM):
Happy new year! The January release includes features and corrections from the last 3 months. Additional events have been added to allow for further extension of the system. For the next release, corrections will continue to be a high priority but new standards from Microsoft will force us to make some major backend changes to our app. Of course, we’ll try to sneak in a feature or two!
Feature Enhancements:
- 10642: Instead of adding a price to a kit and having it flow down to the components, the kit can now be setup to allow the price to be dictated by each component.
- 11177: RPM Setup now includes an option to suppress the change confirmation given when changing header fields.
- 11177: RPM Setup now includes several options to be used when changing header information: Not Complete, All Lines and No Lines. This is a default for when changing information on the header puts up a confirmation asking which option to use when updating lines.
- 10618: Overhaul of rebuild functionality for dispatch entry based on feedback.
- 10691: More fields and actions are added to the Shipping/Receiving Worksheet based on customer feedback.
- 11108: When posting unit costing for a sale of a unit, the costing amount posted will be the full replacement cost left on the unit.
- 10497: When changing kit line information, the system no longer confirms if you want to change the components.
- 11146: Sell-to and Bill-to Customer name fields are now available on ledger entries.
- 11229: Allow change of Sell-to and Bill-to Customer name fields like standard Sales does; based on field on Customer called Disable Search by Name.
- 11266: RPM Unit Meter Readings available from a document line as well as the shipping/receiving lines allowing you to quickly add new meter readings for your units.
- 1680: The Workflow Status feature from the previous RPM version has been brought forward to business central as Document Status. This allows you to set a custom status to your documents.
- 11267: The Navigate option on all ledger entries and posted documents has been changed to Find Entries to keep with standard business central standards.
- 12374: Unit Components have been brought forward from the previous RPM version. This allows you to keep a list of components that belong to or are related to a unit.
- 11010: A new RPM WIP report has been added allowing you to report on costing for resources that have not invoiced yet.
- 10443: Updating certain information such as stop date and duration should be allowed when lines are updated as part of a kit.
- 10445: When the start date is updated on a kit line and the billing code has an initial term specified, the next billing date is updated correctly.
RPM Release 1.15.2020911.20196
September 11, 2020
Rental Process Management (RPM):
This September release focused on locking down needed scenarios. Many corrections were addressed, several new features have been added, and automated testing scenarios get larger and larger.
Feature Enhancements:
- 8109: Dispatch Entry has been added to RPM.
- 8573: Standard Codes are now available in RPM!
- 8813: New publishers added in Post-Error Check.
- 8834: Report Selections in RPM are now extensible.
- 8672: Reports now allow Show/Hide of Sell-to/Bill-to and/or Ship-to information as well as Tax Breakdown.
- 8670: The Bill-to is now allowed to be changed on an RPM document without having to recreate all the lines. You are presented with options when you attempt to change the Bill-to. This allows a change of Bill-to mid-rental if needed.
- 8886: Gen. Prod. Posting Groups are now required on an RPM Subcategory/Unit before it can be added to a line.
- 8675: Bin Codes can now be used on RPM lines.
- 8804: Batch Post Contracts is now Batch Post RPM Documents. You can now choose to do Contracts, Work Orders and/or Pre-Billings in the same batch.
- 8904: When selecting a Kit line in the Finalize screen, component lines should also get selected.
- 8935: A new option for “Card” and “Unit Card” has been added to the Line button on document lines allowing you to quickly open the related type of item on a line.
- 8926: Events added to report headers and footers.
- 8669: You can now change address information, ship-to code and bill-to code on an existing RPM document after invoicing.
- 5307: The status on an RPM Unit will change to a user defined service status when service is started on that unit.
- 8741: Costing has been added for RPM Units!
- 10400: An RPM Invoice will now show serial numbers for serialized items if the option is chosen.
- 8505: Standard text lines are now excluded from the quantity check in posting.
- 8574: Buttons on Customer Card and List have been moved around a bit to conform to how Sales have their buttons.
- 8587: When the first segment is less than a full billing period and you invoice and add a line change in the next un-invoiced segment, the system wanted to credit and rebill the invoiced period. This has been corrected.
- 8640: The same serialized unit can no longer be shipped on two different lines on the same document.
- 8655: Period Stop Date must not be changed on sale lines on a pre-billing.
- 8656: Receipts should not be undone if transactions have occurred to the unit after the receipt posting.
- 7137: After a line has movement ledger entries posted against it, the Start Date of the line must not be changed to be before the earliest effective date on movement.
- 8665: Location Code can be changed on any line and a change of Location Code on a Kit line also updates components.
- 8821: Credit flag improvements on RPM documents.
- 8823: Previous information is properly cleared when using copy document.
- 8564: Header status logic has been streamlined to perform faster and more accurately.
- 8902: When a line is set as Revenue Only, the Qty. to Invoice should not be based off the Quantity Shipped.
- 8889: An RPM document should not post shipment/invoice if there is only a note line on the document.
- 8910: The unit no. should not be cleared partway through the OnDelete trigger.
- 8750: Main Subcategory Line No. now updates correctly if components are before their main line no.
- 8523: Inserting a new line on a Work Quote does not fall into an endless loop when Auto invoice Discount is selected.
- 8904: Finalize screen will update the Receipt Date on shipping/receiving lines even if there is already a Receipt Date filled in.
- 8560: When using Cycle Initial Term on a billing code, the system now suggests the correct Start Date on the segment after the initial term is invoiced.
- 8562: Line Discount % should be editable on Kit lines.
- 8458: Kits will only insert components once on a Work Quote.
- 8937: Related charges should get inserted when a Kit line is entered on a line if the Kit subcategory has related charges defined.
- 8941: Choosing Start New Period in line changes will not produce daily segments after initial invoice.
- 8943: The unit allocations screen now shows records when needed on a pre-billing.
- 8982: You cannot change the Subcategory No. on an RPM Unit until all transactions for the unit have been reversed.
- 9047: You cannot change the No. or Unit No. on a Unit Service line after components have been shipped/invoiced.
- 9048: If an RPM Subcategory or RPM Unit is renamed, the stored main information on RPM Lines is also renamed.
- 9051: RPM Subcategory flowfields now mimic the RPM Unit flowfields.
- 10390: The logic has been updated on how a pre-billing determines an invoice or a credit memo based on lines instead of source document.
RPM Release 1.15.2020701.18220
July 1, 2020
Rental Process Management (RPM):
This July release continues to enhance the product and help clients run their business quicker and easier. Automated testing continues to evolve to avoid introducing bugs in the system.
Feature Enhancements:
- 8085: RPM Units can now be related to Resources.
- 8087: New events added to Unit Jnl. Management.
- 8191: Allow extending the quantities on movement ledger entries.
- 8192: Additional publishers added in Post and Unit Jnl.-Post Line.
- 7980: Performance has been enhanced for creating a Pre-Billing from other documents.
- 8394: When changing the Credit flag or Revenue Only flag on a Kit line, all components also get updated.
- 8393: Batch Create Pre-Billing process now allows selecting the document types to add to the pre-billing and additional options available for grouping by External Doc. No. (Customer P.O. No.) or Ship-to Code.
- 8384: Invoice Discounts are now available in RPM!
- 8426: Allow extending the creation of segments.
- 8377: Kit lines now get the Next Billing Date and Billed Thru Date updated when component lines change.
- 8086: When you delete an Item that is related to an RPM Unit, the Related Item No. field will be cleared on the RPM Unit.
- 8118: An error should not occur when you attempt to receive the same Qty. Tracked unit on different lines with a blank location code.
- 8129: Emailing a posted RPM document should no longer produce an error.
- 8167: Rename “Contract No.” on posted documents to “Source Document No.”.
- 8371: Cancelling an invoice with a multi-quantity item now reverses the cost entries correctly.
- 8375: The Hidden property on documents for signatures has been updated to eliminate the error of “The Hidden expression used in image ‘RightLogo_Logo2’ returned a type that is not valid.”
RPM Release 1.15.20200529.17475
May 29, 2020
This June release is based on customer needs and upgrades. As with all releases, automated testing continues to grow and expand!
Feature Enhancements:
- 7820: Bill-to Addresses have been reintroduced into RPM!
- 7918: RPM Document Processor profile is now available on Explore All.
- 7911: Emailing from RPM documents now shows the same option page that appears when you print a document!
- 7941: Enums are introduced into RPM in a few places. This will continue to evolve on subsequent releases.
- 7993: Additional publishers added. This will also continue to evolve on subsequent releases.
- 7758: Field group dropdown needed for Register tables.
- 7754: Source document information should copy from posted purchase documents to cost/rev. ledger entries.
- 7788: Contacts and reference fields not copied during work quote to work order.
- 7802: Renaming a tax area should change on all RPM documents.
- 7851: Worksheet changes needed based on BC 16 updates.
- 7853: Projected Revenue is no longer doubling the totals.
- 7931: Explicit permissions needed when deleting archive tables.
- 7955: Purchase line archive now has the same RPM fields as purchase line table.
- 7983: Credit flag on RPM documents is now set correctly.
- 7910: Related charges that are inserted from a kit will no longer copy the billing code from the kit.
- 8031: Cycle initial term on billing code now works correctly when start date matches the beginning of the term specified.
RPM Release 1.15.20200417.16264
April 21, 2020
Rental Process Management (RPM) continues to improve and grow based on customer feedback and suggestions.
Feature Enhancements:
- 7182: When creating a corrective pre-billing, you can now choose which lines will be copied from the posted document.
- 7414: Added a new Sell-to History FactBox for RPM.
- 7398: Added both the Sell-to and Bill-to History FactBoxes to the Customer Card and List.
- 7392: Attachments have been fully added to all RPM documents! They follow the standard set by Sales documents.
- 6032: Electronic signatures are now available for all RPM documents!
- 7401: Pre-Billing archives are now available.
- 7483: The External Document No. has been recaptioned to Customer PO No.
- 7550: Phone No., Fax No., Email and Home Page now show under the company address on RPM documents if filled in. This comes from the Responsibility Center if filled in on the document.
- 7581: Comments are now available on the four master levels of RPM.
- 7603: Additional events have been added to RPM archive management.
- 7623: Header and footer text now allows basic HTML tags that can be rendered in RDL reports.
- 7455: The External Document No. is now editable on posted invoices.
- 7443: Deposits are now available on RPM documents!
- 7667: Additional events have been added to RPM copy doc. Management.
- 6307: The shipping/receiving journal will filter on the correct template/batch when posting.
- 7187: The line discount amount gets updated correctly on segments.
- 6469: Crediting of a Fixed Asset from a posted RPM document now properly reverses the disposal of the asset.
- 7294: Automatic selection of units during posting has been updated to include partial receipts.
- 7425: Main Subcategory Line No. Now gets set correctly when adding lines under a Unit Service line.
- 7276: RPM Posted Invoice report now includes the Due Date.
- 7261: The link to comments on RPM documents has been corrected.
- 7262: The quote no. now transfers from a contract or work order to the posted invoice.
- 7251: The non-chargeable flag now copies correctly to newly created work order lines from planned maintenance.
- 7573: PM Work Lines will now automatically transfer to a newly created Unit planned maintenance.
- 7604: Unit validation on PM Work Lines has been updated to include Charges.
- 7158: Delivery and Pickup Tickets can now have their own header/footer text and can be controlled on the request options page.
- 7344: G/L Account lines on printed RPM documents will still hide the account no. but will be included in posted totals.
- 7669: Default cycle billing on a billing code now correctly creates segments after initial invoicing.
RPM Release 1.15.20191231.12803
December 31, 2019
Feature Enhancements:
- 6042: A progress screen showing a status counter has been added to the RPM Batch Posting.
- 4805: RPM Batch Posting now shows the Activity Log after the process is completed.
- 6030: When changing the Ship-to Address Code or Gen. Bus. Posting Group, the prices and billing dates will not get set back to the default values.
- 6048: Shared coding between reports as been moved to a management codeunit to allow for custom reports to be created and publishers will be added in another release to allow custom changes.
- 6050: Location Code has been promoted on RPM documents.
- 6024: When printing rolled up kits, all units are now combined into one string as opposed to multiple strings for each component within the kit.
- 6076: Customer Comments and Contact Comments have been added to the header ribbon of RPM documents.
- 6052: You can now use the Copy Line feature on RPM Quotes.
- 6138: The Source Document has been added to the Rental Invoiced Revenue report.
- 6573: Serialized Items are now available on RPM Documents! Serial Number tracking is now available in this release; lot and bin tracking will follow in a subsequent release.
- 1650: Work Quote Archives and Work Order Archives are now available!
- 6792: BC Role Center pages in RPM now include many more options in the top level menus to make it easier to switch from one area to another within RPM.
- 6057: For best price billing, the system will now choose a monthly rate over a 4-week rate if the amounts are equal.
- 6025: When printing lines using best price, combined lines will show multiple lines of price periods if pricing or usage differ; like prices and usage will continue to be combined.
- 6055: When posting options are shown before posting, the document shown at the top of the page was always the first contract. This has been corrected to show the document you are posting from.
- 6044: Movement, shipments and receipts can now be reviewed from the shipping/receiving screen when there are no lines displayed.
- 6159: You can now set a Unit of Measure Code in RPM Prices if there is no Unit No. Defined.
- 6162: The Create Receipts screen now splits all lines by line no. Instead of grouping by the No. field.
- 6101: The Line Discount % field now shows correctly on the RPM Document – Test report.
- 6317: Subcategories by Location and Units by Location pages now show the matrix correctly with scroll bars.
RPM Release 1.15.20191010.10529
October 10, 2019
This version of Rental Process Management (RPM) focused on bringing the app up to Dynamics Business Central version 15, the next major version. There were minor enhancements as well. Stay tuned for more great enhancements coming soon in this new version of Business Central!
Feature Enhancements:
- 5864: Bring RPM up to the latest version of Business Central, version 15!
- 5951: RPM Headers and Footers are back! This allows you to specify multi-line text to appear at the top of RPM documents (Header Text) or the bottom of RPM documents after all lines print (Footer Text). This can be set per document and an option exists on the printed document request pages to show or hide this text.
- 5351: A new field called “Qty. In Service” has been added to the Subcategory and Unit. When a Unit is put into service, this will show how many are currently in service and will no longer show when all maintenance is complete on the Unit.
- 5954: A new field called “Qty. on Work Order” is now available on the Item Card, Item List, Stockkeeping Unit Card and Stockkeeping Unit List.
- 5882: RPM buttons in ribbon of Customer Card and List now open the document listed instead of always opening a Quote.
- 5966: RPM Shipping/Receiving Lines are no longer created for a Work Quote.
RPM Release 1.0.20190927.10141
September 27, 2019
This version of Rental Process Management (RPM) focused on further cleanup of outstanding issues and more exciting features were added.
Feature Enhancements:
- 1694: A new button called Create Work Orders from Receipts was added to the RPM Contract. After receiving equipment back on an RPM Contract, you can now send those unit directly to an RPM Work Order, linked to the original RPM Contract. The process is quick and intuitive.
- 1694: The Create Work Orders from Receipts also added a separate Contract No. And Receipt Entry No. to the Planned Maintenance allowing you view the type of planned maintenance performed on the RPM Work Order, RPM Contract and individual receipt entry that was related to that PM.
- 5650: Extension Information for RPM has been added as a FastTab on RPM Setup.
- 5591: Emailing is back! The Email option on all RPM Documents is available for use again.
- 3306: All Name, Description, Address and Contact fields (except for Description 2) have been increased to allow 100 characters instead of 50 to keep with base Business Central. The Description 2 length has not been changed yet so for now Description 2 must stay at 50 characters.
- 5726: Posting Group fields, Tax fields, VAT fields and Salesperson Code fields have been increased to 20 characters instead of 10 to keep with base Business Central.
- 5701: The Line Complete field has been brought forward from the older versions of RPM. Now you can see if a line has anything activity pending by filtering or looking at this field.
- 5338: A new Unit Status (Service) field has been added to RPM Setup. This currently is unused but will be used in a future version coming soon!
- 1694: The drilldown for the Work Order No., the new Contract No. and Receipt Entry No. now work as expected.
- 5629: The Revenue Only field has been moved from the 50,000 range to the Rental Process Management licensed range.
- 5367: The Description and Description 2 fields of a line are not overwritten when you choose a unit in shipping/receiving that has the same Description and Description 2 as its parent subcategory.
- 5750: You can no longer receive more than the qty. shipped of a unit on an RPM document.
- 5632: When shipping units, the quantity is validated by location code.
- 3277: The Last Meter Reading in Planned Maintenance is now by Unit of Measure Code. These fields drill down to the unit’s reading lines as well.
- 5780: Segments now show correctly when using Change Effective on Next Day and the Effective Date is the day before the Next Billing Date.
- 5632: You can no longer receive the same serialized unit more than once in the shipping/receiving screen.
- 5794: Certain header fields such as Billing Code, Start Date, etc. are no longer cleared when posted to an invoice or credit memo.
- 5658: The Location Code is now filled in by default from the Customer added to an RPM Document.
- 5726: Line Change screen has been updated to remove duplicated fields in header.
- 5822: Deleting a Line Change will only delete its own associated shipping/receiving lines.
- 5841: Inserting or deleting line changes will now correctly update the quantity fields on future line changes.
- 5836: Explicit permissions removed from tables and moved to codeunits.
- 5823: All units will now show when printing RPM documents and the Exclude Received Units is not ticked.
- 5856: Movement Ledger Entries are retained when a Unit is deleted from the system to keep the history for that unit.
- 5861: When creating manual receipts, the Meter Unit of Measure code is brought forward to the shipping/receiving line.
- 5877: No reports in RPM should display the “An error has occurred” explicit error.
RPM Release 1.0.20190816.9102
August 16, 2019
This next version of Rental Process Management (RPM) focused on cleanup of outstanding issues and some smaller features were added as well.
Feature Enhancements:
- 3182, 5135: A new Unit Shipping/Receiving Journal is available. The journal is setup in a way that is conducive to scanning. When a unit or serial number is found and the type is Receipt, the system searches all documents for that shipped unit and fills in the associated document no. This journal can be used to add shipments and/or receipts to existing documents.
- 4689: Work Quotes, Work Orders and Pre-Billings now include the Explode BOM option.
- 5187: New Non-Chargeable option available on Subcategory Components and Planned Maintenance Work Lines.
- 5190: RPM Role Center pages now raise the OnOpenRoleCenter event.
- 5276: New option to capitalize Unit Service lines against the Unit’s related Fixed Asset.
- 5279: Sales prices has a new field called “Markup %”. This allows you to setup item pricing for RPM documents by adding a Markup % which will then be added to the Unit Cost to arrive at a new Unit Price.
- 5318: Initial setup values for new companies have been updated to include the most common options.
- 5557: Insurance Certificates are back! Attachments have also been added to the Contract and Work Order.
- 3616: When an estimated stop date is entered that results in a partial last segment, the last segment will stop at the estimated stop date instead of continuing for an entire period.
- 3617: The Create RPM Work Order from the Unit Card now has an OK button (instead of Preview); the Create RPM Work Order from the Unit Card now shows all Planned Maintenance lines for the unit.
- 3630: When changing a line that results in more than one segment requiring a credit, the resulting segments will now calculate the correct totals.
- 4000: After posting an invoice/credit memo, the Next Billing Date takes into account any pending line changes.
- 4002: Next Billing Date should take into account any pending line changes when a new line change is created.
- 4005: When creating a new line record in an RPM document, the reference fields now get cleared on the new line; when adding a reference field to a new line record, the line is saved before updating the reference field to get the line no.
- 4006: When running the RPM Document-Test report, the dates in the header section of the report are updated based on the Post Thru Date chosen.
- 4007: Invoiced Revenue report will not run indefinitely when a line has a unit no defined.
- 4008: Units by Customer report now runs off the Quantity Moved field instead of the Quantity Shipped so it only shows the remaining units on the report.
- 4009: Change logic for how new lines are associated to existing Kits, Line Groups and Unit Services. Adding a new line in-between existing component lines will keep the same component links but adding a new line below all component lines will not attach to the main line.
- 4010: When auto suggesting charges from a subcategory, you will no longer receive a “Page.RunModal” error.
- 4012: When determining unit allocation, logic has been changed for how receipts apply to shipments on quantity tracked lines.
- 4014: When checking if a document is complete, the current line is not modified if an update to that line was just done.
- 4060: The All Shipped Lines option on a Pickup Ticket now prints all posted shipments if there are no pending receipts.
- 5189: Planned Maintenance Schedule is updated when a work order line is modified.
- 5202: Quantity checking for lines and line changes have been updated.
- 5204: Extended Text lines added to an RPM document now have a start date filled in so they will show when printing and will be picked up in posting.
- 5225: The RPM Group on the Extended Text page has been moved below the Service group instead of inside the Service group.
- 5395: When no line changes are present, a segments should not attempt to cycle bill with other segments.
- 5597: When a kit component has a percentage but no quantity, the resulting line should not produce a division by zero error.
- 5588: Logic has changed for how new lines are automatically attached to Kits, Line Groups and Unit Service lines.
RPM Release 1.0.20190516.7830
May 16, 2019
Initial Release of Suite Engine’s new Rental Process Management (RPM) for Dynamics Business Central!
This release is built upon the redesigned RPM 2017/2018 and converted to a new extension. It includes all RPM has to offer, including Unit Management, Contract Recurring Billing, Flexible Segments, Planned Maintenance, Work Orders, and much more.