RPM Release 25.2.20250109.170971 Released: January 9, 2025 Feature Enhancements: 107511: Added...
RPM Release Notes - 25.0.20241021.159743
RPM Release 25.0.20241021.159743
October 21, 2024
RPM Feature Enhancements:
- 106225: There is now a Default Get Ship-to Code From option in RPM Setup.
- 104457: On RPM Unit Purchase, if an FA is created on receipt, do not let user dispose of the asset until the associated PO is invoiced.
- 106209: Statistics now include Meter Charges.
- 104809: A new Unit Status Added to RPM Setup for Units Created AFTER PO Receipt but before PO Invoicing.
- 55061: A setup now allows you to use the Estimated Stop Date without affecting segments and without changing after invoicing.
- 104878: Add base BC approval cues from Business Manager role to all three RPM role centers.
- 106145: A credit memo created during finalize process on a rental contract uses the Sales Invoice no. series instead of the credit memo no. series.
- 103143: The Posting No., Shipping No. and Receiving No. fields get cleared before posting of a document.
- 106229: When activating or deactivating an RPM Unit, you should no longer receive an error that the Unit cannot be saved.
- 105160: When a PO is created from an RPM Contract, the Ship-to Code is only prevented from changes if the line is a Drop Shipment or a Special Order. Normal purchases will not stop you from changing the Ship-to Code.
- 105157: When you create a Work Order from a PM Schedule or Planning Worksheet, it now validates the Bill-To Customer No. correctly and information like Gen. Bus. Posting Group will flow to the new document header.
- 106278: When a billing code has an initial term and segments invoice after the first invoice, the stop date on the cost/rev. ledger entries are now correct.
- 105018: Extended Text has been added back to RPM Units and RPM Subcategories.
- 106276: When adding an Actual Stop Date in an invoiced period and posting the combination credit line and debit line, the resulting cost/rev. ledger entry amounts are now correct for each unit.